12 Ways to Manage Anxiety and Depression

I found myself really about to go down the rabbit hole the other day . I felt off and started feeling down. I know the this is a danger signal for me and could lead to depression. I am not so easily triggered as I use to be because I’ve learned how to catch myself before I fall too deep. I ‘ve evolved to the point where I can say “NO , That’s not true ‘to myself ,”you just feel this way in this moment” . In ” The Power of Now ” by Eckhart Tolle he speaks of being a separate entity apart from the mind and thoughts and how all the mind chatter and worrying about the future is so counter productive because all we have is now.

As far as policing your thoughts go that can be impossible for some people without medication. I feel there’s still a stigma about this , mental health in general. The world needs to wake up. People shouldn’t be judged for receiving the help they need. There was a time when I couldn’t do this . In my 20’s my cousin told me that it was possible for me to control my thoughts . I was like WHAT ? HOW ? It took me quite a long time to get this.

So, what a short term solution to get back on track if you are anxious ,overwhelmed , or depressed ?   I have a few suggestions that that I’ve Maybe they will help you too . If you have kids you’re going to need back up.

  1. Ditch work a day and don’t feel guilty.
  2. Read uplifting inspirational material, anything that make you feel better.
  3. Movies have the power to take you away from your problems to a far away place . Go to a matinee ; no distractions there,
  4. Sleep , take a nap if possible .
  5. Treat yourself to something  special
  6. Talk to  someone in your life that supports you .
  7. Get therapy if your depression  or anxiety is prolonged , 2 weeks or more.
  8. Search your heart and mind ,to figure out why you’re  depressed , know your triggers.
  9. Are there changes you need to make in your life ?
  10. Keeping busy can help if you can’t nurture yourself with free time.
  11. Engage with people that will lift your spirits.
  12. Know that this too shall pass.  The only constant in life is change .

This is just a list of remedies for mild depression that have helped me . If your or someone you know is talking /thinking about harming themself or another a mental health professional should be sought .

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