Manifesting Your Dreams when you don’t see results

I believe in miracles and I even believe in that the impossible is just something that has never been happened, before. It’s not because I’m a dreamer but because a multitude of people from varying walks of life have changed their lives and followed their passion or voice leading to happiness and a greater,richer, fuller life experience. So why not you or me?

The one thing that separates the achievers in the world from the typical person and no,  it isn’t always money , but their persistence and refusal to up. I was in my younger days very easily discouraged but if I serious about something such as my education I would definitely see it through. In hindsight I now see that I had a common enemy that stands between us and our  dreams and goals  An enemy that you might not even think of as an adversary. This gives the enemy an unfair advantage if you can’t even recognize it for what it is .  The enemy came for me many times and I unwittingly surrendered without realizing it. So what is this enemy that I speak of?

This enemy is disappointment. which leads to discouragement which leads to giving up or at least dimming your energy or power to attract what you desire.  I just had a revelation today and as look back at my past I’m trying to figure out is my has disappointment fueled my depression? or is it the other way around or do they fuel each other? I can’t say for sure. It might just be all of the above.

In my journey I’ve learned how battle this enemy and it has truly changed my life. I am sure they will make a difference for you.

  1. Learn to let go of expectations without letting go of hope. You can’t control when your blessing will manifest just in your heart know that it will.
  2. Don’t be triggered when something doesn’t show up on your timeline but do your part. Imagine what it looks like, feels like and affirm it. Your subconscious is working on what you think and feel.
  3. Being grateful for the mercy and grace you receive constantly. It’s so easy to take your health, home and having enough to eat for granted if that’s all you know.
  4. No matter what you are going through or have been through know that you are powerful. and can change your life just by what you think into it. How awesome is that? You have gifts and strengths that you aren’t even aware of.
  5. Believe you deserve your abundance, success, wealth, happiness, love whatever it is as long as it doesn’t hurt other parties. You are worthy regardless of what you did in the past or what you “think” you’re lacking .
  6. Work through any issues of self sabotage in whatever manner that works for you. It could be therapy, talking to a trusted friend, or reading uplifting materials on achieving the vibration or state of consciousness that will attract what you want in your life. Your mind can’t be consumed with negative thoughts like fear, doubt, hate, revenge when you’re trying to manifest love, peace, power and prosperity. It doesn’t work that way.
  7. Take a situation that looks like a loss like, loss of a job, flip it to make it an opportunity to do learn or create something you’ve been wanting to. Maybe there’s a business or something you want to learn. Go for it.
  8. Learn to listen to and follow your intuition. It wants to lead to to the more life enhancing path.  Too often we think that everything must fit neatly into a little box. In other words there is only one way of doing something, one path to success, one way to think and to live.
  9. Stand up for your beliefs. Don’t be that person that wants to be liked so much that you compromise your principles. It takes confidence and self awareness to do this because it doesn’t necessarily make you popular but you will gain respect.
  10. Make a list all of the qualities about yourself that you admire. You may not even realize how loyal and dependable you are to those you care about.
  11. Prioritize your mental,physical and spiritual well being by giving your mind, body and soul what it needs to keep you functioning at your peak. Do some that makes you feel joy each day, no matter how small.

Success is not a destination but a journey, full of twists and turns and detours know that your path is unique. Be present and enjoy it.


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