Why cant we just all get along? Communication,Resolution and Forgivness

Call me the Peacemaker I have never been one of those people who wanted to see people and fight and argue .even as a child I wanted them to be friends or at least get along.

I try to bring people together solve problems at least I try.  I am a fixer, of sorts from  way back I talked out and I talked things out. Since I was an adolescent at the age 14 or 15 I did this. I couldn’t articulate all of my feelings but I talked about them and I tried to understand when life started to get confusing you feel grownup but you’re not.

I wanted to understand relationships,emotions,boyfriend problems at such a young age for me no siblings so friends were like family. Sisterhoods were  a  developed that I thought would last a lifetime. Of course I knew nothing about the world except what I saw before me.

If you don’t want to hear my voice go away from me. I’m here to listen to you as well so speak if you are silent you are always free to speak to me. Years ago I told my daughter when was trying to shut me out “families talk to each other we express how we feel this is how we work things out” this is how we deal and this is how I live and this is my truth. This is the only way I know how to live. This is the only way I know how to heal. This is the only way I know how to love.

I most certainly believe in forgiveness I am so quick to forgive that people may think it’s a sign of weakness but it is not. But you may forgive before you even process the pain. I did that. Which can come back so many decades later when you are ready to deal with it. Many people can’t or won’t  own up to their actions and let that be okay because they know the truth whether they admit it to you or not. You won’t let anyone Gaslight you and pretend like the trauma that they caused you is not in real 3D life. Your healing and recovery rests forgiveness.Whatever is too much for you to forgive of someone and some things fall into that category. We give those over to God. That’s too heavy for us to carry

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