This is such an eye catching visual that I found on Pinterest that I wanted …
Read MorePeace and Mental Health is Priceless
Back to Freedom I’m so happy to speak to you freely from Joy Dream Believe. …
Read MoreIt’s Always Darkest before the Dawn
Have you ever heard that saying ” It’s always darkest before the dawn”? I want …
Read MoreI Write Because
I want to inspire people to achieve their goals,especially women.Never think it’s too late or …
Read MoreForgiveness
Isn’t it draining to hold onto to something that makes you feel bad?
Read MoreIs There Something After Life on planet Earth ?
In this current 3D reality we are heartbroken to lose a loved one even when we know everyone one must shed these earthly bodies and depart our earth home. I really to believe you will reunited with loved ones in the spirit realm. Whether you watch over loved ones on earth or reborn into another family or both. How do we reconcile one day leaving here?
Read MoreLook at this… 👀
Look at this… 👀 I was so delighted to find this Pinterest. While reading …
Read MoreThis Too Shall Pass
Affiliate Links I say this Bible verse when I want to comfort someone or myself …
Read MoreVision Board Imaging
Affiliate Links This a nice visual when money is low or absent. Think about this …
Read More8 Ways to Develop your Intuition
Affiliate Links Intuition is to know something without knowing how you know it. and is …
Read MoreWhat I’ve Learned Along the Way
Growing into adulthood I guess I really expected life to go in ABC order, and when it didn’t l felt less than or better yet like a failure deep down . Expectations were a contributing factor in my battles with depression. The rest I’m sure was biological and some environment factors. When I doubted myself and my good deep down it eroded my self-esteem or worse, I questioned God . As in are my prayers being heard or just ignored ? Nevermind all the other things I’ve been blessed with. Disappointments in life ate away at my soul .
I read so many books that led me on a path of spiritual enlightenment. I can honestly say that reading inspirational material did and still does lift my spirit. The book ” The Secret ” was new. I read it and it really inspired me. I made life changing decisions , not because of one book but because I was stuck in my life. I have to say that I will be student of life as long as I’m breathing.
You put in the work in and when the obstacles show up don’t let them discourage or scare you away from your dreams. If you are dealing with mental health issues, extreme anxiety or depression don’t let it defeat you. Seek professional help . It’s not a sign of weakness , It’s a sign of courage . Just as damaging to the mind and body are bitterness and anger . They are stumbling blocks to your goals . Learn to work through your pain , release it and heal.
What I’ve learned along the way is that : Everyone’s journey is different and if you believe you can you can . No one needs to believe it except you.
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How Much Do You Want This ?
Affiliate Links Don’t be afraid to have dreams big ones and if they seen to …
Read MoreWe “The People” Must Unite
I honestly never wanted this blog to be about politics. My mission is to inform …
Read MoreMoving through Time
The very thought of getting old used to scare me. I wish I could say …
Read MoreWhat Black Girl Magic Looks Like
Read MoreWOW 😲, so Incredible
Read MoreLiving in Awareness, not Fear
I always advise listening and taking heed to the message you get. This is a protection. Even though I am always going be receptive because I have trust issues. I actually feel very/ uncomfortable and uneasy if I go against it and it’s worked for me in the past .
Read MoreYour Tribes and Villiages
I wanted to speak on friendship and how important they are in our lives. This …
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