How Much Do You Want This ?

Don’t be afraid to have dreams big ones and if they seen to be unbelievable believe in them because if you willing put in the work you are just as worthy as anyone else. I don’t care what your background is or where you come from. I’m not just speaking to the young but the not so young like me as well. If and idea or longing is still in your heart now that your children are on their own or you’ve retired ; why not go for it ?

Whatever your dream is ,thinking about it should bring you joy ? Will you commit to it ? If it’s not something that you are passionate about my advice is don’t do it. Whatever it is you have to want it deep so deep that disappointment will not discourage you because it may not always be a straight path.

Speaking from experience dreams change and evolve like we do but never ever think that something could can’t happen for you. Sometimes it seems to take forever and are not always ready for what we want now. One way to become ready is to mentally accept that you have it. This is far from easy. It takes learning focus your thoughts and relaxing your mind . Meditation can help. Prepare to receive learn , research, and focus because its your reality if you want it.

The idea is to make this real in the mental realm then it will materialize in the physical realm when it’s time. This will also make you feel more peace. Have you ever thought of something undesirable that you didn’t want to happen and then it happened ? I can . Fear and anxiety come into play here and I will be getting into that in another blog, because at one time I didn’t know how to get past this .

Thank God we don’t get every negative thing we think. That’s what I call mercy. Make sure you share your vision only with those who support you, or partners anyone who is instrumental in making it happen it . Naysayers can cause you to doubt yourself because you are human.

Lastly your success is not supposed to look like anyone else’s. It can be whatever you want deep in your heart , something you can’t put a price tag on, like a loving marriage and healthy children with the means to live comfortably do work that fulfills you. You job is to believe in your dream, prepare for it, you can’t worry about how or when for anything that is meant to be will arrive when it’s your time.

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