8 Ways to Develop your Intuition

Intuition is to know something without knowing how you know it. and is defined as knowing something from instinct rather than conscious reasoning. Humans beings are born with instincts like other creatures except we humans have more developed brains and use our intuition, which is called the sixth sense way less than our other five senses. Where as the rest of the animal kingdom that use their instinct to survive.

Physic people are very intune to their intuitive powers . They can pick up signals that most of us can’t. I believe they are the one’s that are better suited to handle this gift. Years ago I learned about physics , Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce and I’m still intrigued by the accuracy of their predictions They’re not always right of course but when so many of them come true , I know they were the real deal.

I chose this topic because listening to your intuition can protect you ,land you where you want to be and add a little magic to your life. I always want to use my gift and strengthen it as well. What I’ve learned is that you have to be a self aware person to let your feelings guide you for the better. You have to go by your gut instincts and that can be difficult because it usually speaks to you in whispers not screams . Which means you can easily miss the signal it it’s not a strong nagging feeling but definitely pay attention to those too .

I wish I could count the times something just came to me or I dreamed something that happened . I’m not alone I realize many people have prophetic and symbolic dreams . I’m thankful that I haven’t dreamed anything scary that happened . The telepathic energy that you send out when you’re thinking of someone and they are thinking of you at the same time and call you or you run into the person randomly is sixth sense as well.

Aa much as I’m an intuitive person I’m analytical and a problem solver at heart so I can’t dismiss good old fashion logic which is the polar opposite of intuition . Being a calculated risk-taker I suppose but I’m very dependant on my intuition . This is because I realize it is the lifeline out of the this physical realm to my subconscious mind and the Infinite Mind or God and is never wrong. This true for all of us.

I have gathered a few insights as to how you can begin to develop this sixth sense in your own life.

  1. Learn to relax your mind and body. Lay down meditate or just close your eyes and picture yourself on a beautiful beach or a place you consider peaceful .
  2. Be open-minded,nothing is impossible. Some things just have never happened yet.
  3. Believe in the Good of Life especially if you’ve had some challenges or traumas that you’ve survived believe you’ve received a miracle.
  4. Don’t sweat the small stuff , it’s not worth your sanity.
  5. If something pops up in your mind out of nowhere pay attention later you’ll determine if it has any significance .
  6. Stand up for your beliefs even if they are different than your peers or family.
  7. Pay attention to your surroundings and how you feel inside , Don’t take your health for granted .
  8. Never stop learning because it opens up your mind and heart.

What I’ve learned along the way is I can trust my intuition to guide me, it speaks to me not in fear thoughts like ” you can’t do this ,you have no experience stay safe in your lane ” It will give me ideas at the right time and say ” there’s so much to learn but you know can do this if you REALLY WANT IT.

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