I want to inspire people to achieve their goals,especially women.Never think it’s too late or you’re too old. Truth is, if you have this longing your heart still, it’s not too late. I also want to help people who are struggling with depression or anxiety as I have. Not in the place of a medical professional of course but There are some things that I definitely came to share but I realize each one must discover things through their own experience. Writing is good for me as well.I feel freed. It can certainly help when another person gets you or your prospective. Healing and Self-Care I would say is the nature of my business.https://joydreambelieve.com/everyones-journey-is-unique https://joydreambelieve.com/12-ways-to-manage-anxiety-and-depression/ I would not be here today if I hadn’t fought tooth and nail to take care of myself emotionally,mentally,physically and spiritually. Things still feel hard some days,I won’t lie but I worship a God that has taken of and protected me , and I love by the Karma I want to receive. Happy New Year, May 2022 be Good to You.❤