I wanted to speak on friendship and how important they are in our lives. This is the most important group of people next to our families, because unlike them we can choose our friends. Our dearest friends become just like family if they’re close to your heart and keep your secrets.
Being that human being are social creatures life can be lonely without your support system which aren’t your family. It can and should be your family but that gets tricky because maybe you don’t have family or they are far way. That’s why we need friends. Relationships and friends can change and sometimes you can’t salvage a relationship because of a betrayed trust or hurt feelings.
If it’s possible to save friendship that’s beautiful. Many times friendships are severed because one person doesn’t value the relationship enough. It’s easy to take someone for granted when they always forgive, which I do. You can’t always maintain a friendship if there are no changes in behavior that caused the issues in the first place
We can’t change other people’s personality but we must demand that they stop hurting us or there can be no friendship. It that simple you have to cut ties with emotionally abusive people for your own mental well being.
I envy people with large families that grew up with lots of people in there generation to grow up with and look out for them. I know now that there is a flip side to this. I grew up and only child with a cousin a year younger at different points of our lives we lived together Monday through Friday and attended elementary school together up until the third and fourth grade.
I made friends rather easy because of this I think but I was never one to run in cliques or seek out popularity. The friends I made as a teenager were special to me and I have love for these women to this day. Sadly I have lost one these friends and a couple others we grew apart, lost contact and we really haven’t got much in common but the past and nostalgia but people grow up and accumulate so much baggage. My oldest friend that I’ve known since age twelve, I love her like family even though I don’t speak to often she feels like family to feels I feel like she is family. Even so, I feel that my family situation made my friendships more important to me being an only child.
To this day I am a very loyal friend/person. If you help me I never forget and will be there for you in whatever way can. I can honestly say there have been been times when I felt I had no friends as our lives have drifted apart. If I truly felt you to be a friend ,a confident that I can open up to. The love is still there.
When I hear the term “friend zoned” it’s viewed as an undesirable position for a guy to be placed. While I get that I always wanted guy friends and to know what it feels like to have brothers, but I see many men take that as rejection if they want something more. I guess they don’t see me like that. I have a couple of men friends from way back.
My friendships with women are pretty solid ,going back many years and people say its harder to make a friend after a certain age. There maybe some truth to that but if there’s s connection you just click with a person, no matter how different they are. Oftentimes friendships are more lasting than a marriage or relationship. That is so valuable to me and I may be a way better friend than girlfriend or wife. I look for friendship in the opposite sex before I can even get into a relationship. That is how I get to know a man. I still want the chemistry of course. I guess I want it all. Is that too much to ask?
Let me say this in no uncertain terms, having people in your life that love you is the essence of why we’re here. Whether you’re connected by blood or not. Cooperation,Compassion,Consideration is the name of the game. In other words we have to treat each other right and imagine what an world this would be if we extended this attitude out to other tribes or extended ours. The whole energy of this planet would be transformers. Namasté

Transforming the Planet
One Soul at a time