This a nice visual when money is low or absent. Think about this rather that what you don’t have.
It just gets you want thinking in the right direction and subliminally its im-printing Prosperity to your subconscious. It’s inspiration I sure need it we all do. To most people like me this money represents freedom from want and freedom to spend your life doing what you want to do . Focus on that freedom and what you see yourself doing with it. What small thing can you do now to feel this feeling of freedom and peace.
I really want to focus seeing my dreams /goals in 3D. I know it’s can be hard to get a mental picture. This is the purpose of a vision board. I have not created one in a very long time. Another route to choose is notebooks. I have used them for fashion, travel and home furnishing and when I look back I can see that ended buying things that were quite similar.

Of all the styles of architecture I love the Spanish style.We don’t have these where I’m from.

This beautiful ring symbolizes Love for me,which symbolizes Happiness