I didn’t believe that mental health was still a taboo issue in America in 2021. When I worked in a mental health agency my superior made me aware of this and now when I think about it all makes sense people pretend everything is ok until your child is a school shooter, Why must it come to this? Why still all of the stigma when we know the tragic outcomes of living in denial?
Still people are ashamed made to feel crazy ,inadequate or weak ,even bad parents . We have to stop the judgement. No wonder they’re afraid to confide in their friends or loved ones when even the agency you’ve come to for help as staff that is holding on to these antiquated ideas. I can’t that this is not the reality we live in but I really thought times had changed .We have to NORMALIZE seeking treatment and prioritizing Mental Health. If this happens and those contemplating taking their lives will on the proper medication and receiving therapy and this I know; MANY LIVES COULD BE SAVED.
What we can’t always do is wait for someone to come and confide in us the unbearable pain that they’re in because sadly usually they won’t, and they may end up a statistic. The people that you think are so strong and doing okay inside may be crying out and be in such pain that no one will never see until the worst happens.
A lesson we can all learn is when we see people that look like they have it all and sitting on top of the world, not to believe the hype. Money may never be a problem for them but something worse could happen because they may they lose their child to a senseless suicide or lose the battle with there inner demons and commit suicide . We don’t know what demons people are fighting inside but but there are some clues that people who are thinking about taking their lives may give away.
- 1. They flat-out talk about it or threaten it
- 2. They’re not interested in anything that they use to really enjoy
- 3. Depression that lingers and lasts a 2 weeks or more
- 4. They they want to give away things that are precious to them
- 5. Maybe they’ve made attempts
- 6. They have a drug habit that they can’t get ahold of
- 7. They are overwhelmed with life maybe that’s some life altering things happened like divorce, loss of a job, bankruptcy death of a loved one or something else .
Any one of those things or combination can push a lot of people over the edge and we just don’t know how or when. Therefore the smart thing to do is check on your friends pay attention to people that you care about if they’re going through something see if you can be there for them. Maybe you and that person can be there for each other in time of need or direct them to help. Mental health is more than important it’s the difference life and death happiness or depression between having a life that you enjoy versus a life that is torturous. Life can chew you up and spit you out sometimes and not everyone is strong enough to handle the bad times. Some people can bounce back better because they are just more resilient or positive than the next person. Not only that we don’t what trauma a person has already experienced prior to where they are today.
Some of us for whatever reasons have a predisposition to depression and anxiety. You don’t have fight this alone.There is no shame in asking for help That’s the smart thing to do if your depression lingers or it keeps coming back.What’s more likely a reaction is that I’m depressed because this is wrong or or that is wrong with my life or why isn’t this working out the way I planned it why is everyone else getting what they want and I’m not getting what I want or so it seems human behavior is so very complicated and how we feel and what we do with those feelings is all up to Who We Are but the main go is let’s stay healthy
I’ve had to fight all my adult life for my mental health and even not understanding what I was going through. I still have those days. For me personally in it’s milder form it can be melancholy or off,low energy vibe. In its deeper forms it could be a deep pain just like you’re you’re living in a emotional state of pain that you just want to stop and in that moment you might think that life is not worth it because you don’t want to feel like that anymore but if you know that you go through depressive moods then you may figure out as I did that this is my depression talking and it’s going to go away so it took me many decades to figure all this out. I feel so fortunate that it never got the best of the me to the point I couldn’t come out of it. With the help of The Almighty I can’t do anything alone.

Let’s Stay Alive let’s thrive and let’s conquer are demons a and manage our mental health as best we can because our lives really do depend on it.