People are not always what they may seem to be
I recently had a dark episode where I was depressed and got afraid of my feelings. I think when it comes to matters of the heart and emotions I go into panic mode to protect my heart, to protect my feelings from further pain. I really think that due to some past trauma I react this way , and I don’t even know what the trauma could be. Since , I have a history with depression I am so very protective of my mental health before I really know if I have reason to, I can’t dismiss my intuition though. That is all that is protecting me which is from my Creator so I act accordingly. With that said I try to see the good in people until they show me that they are liars or not sincere. People don’t get a thousand chances to show me who they are . All its takes is a few and I know who I’m dealing with.
One I have to say is listen to your heart, mind and gut. Even if I am in panic mode that is how I feel in the moment and it’s fight or flight. I was tempted to second guess my intuition and question my reaction to what I received as an emotional threat. I can’t second guess this gift of intuition because it has saved me. Who wouldn’t want to err on the side of caution because we can’t know or predict what our subconscious/higher self knows ? I always advise listening and taking heed to the messages you get. This is a protection. I admit it can sometimes be hard to distinguish what true and untrue so you go with what you know and if you really don’t know do what you know to protect yourself.
I am always going be receptive to my intuition because I have trust issues. I actually feel very uncomfortable and uneasy if I go against my intuition. It’s worked for me in the past and I depend on it . In my effort to protect myself I may make the other person ” The Villain” but what I’ve learned in that in many cases there is no villain just another person with their own agenda that is about what they want ,but I know a red flag when I see one.