Have you ever heard that saying ” It’s always darkest before the dawn”? I want to speak on this and explain what it means to me and how this simple belief can save lives. I remember having a bout of depression when I was about about 19 or 20 years old as young as I was I living a life with grown up responsibility but that was only a small part of my distress. I think it was loneliness mostly and unemployment. The one thing that kept me here more than anything ,when I thought I didn’t want to live was my baby girl. I said no one could love her more than me. I knew my mom and grandmother and family would love her but I loved her in way that I knew no one could duplicate. Just a couple years later I was reading an article in a magazine with quiz to tell if you have a suicidal personality. I realized that I did want to think like this and it shocked me that I fit this personality profile because I was so much better and was attending college. This one thing helped change me beliefs because it open my eyes to how suicidal people think.
There have been a few times in my life after that I thought living in this world was too hard. I faced disappointment and it felt like my world was ending. I’m so glad my daughter had no idea what I was dealing with when she was growing up,Having to look after a child work and school kept me busy and some structure is necessary for me.. This may sound like I’m rambling but I’m getting to the point. I have found that after a sad or dark period there is a breakthrough. How many poor souls have given into this sadness and such emotional pain that the thought living another day is too much to handle? Imagine those people holding on just little longer until their breakthrough came. Relief is surely close behind.It has always been for me and I usually have a turning point in my life or some lesson I’ve learned.
I can not or will not speak about this topic without giving praise and honor to Our Creator by whatever name you use because I can’t say that I saved myself.” What I will say is that my cries and prayers were heard the same as all of ours are heard but some of us just can’t seem to wait on that relief maybe because their in too much pain. To everyone going through this right now the pain does stop and you will have relief if you just hold on.”
And now all I can say with all certainty that after the fog lifts and I start to feel normal again which can happen all of a sudden,I’m a little, stronger with some knowledge I didn’t have before my breakthrough. Many times my consciousness has been raised a bit and I can’t unknow what I know and that is. ” It is always Darkest before the Dawn”.