In the Universe everything is made if energy including our human bodies. We have different types and systems of energy. The state of our health of these energy bodies determines the health of physical bodies. Chakra literally means wheel in the Sanskrit language. Think of them as spinning wheels at various points of the body that connect our physical and spiritual beings . Our chakras regulate and disperse the energy we need to be alive. The small rotating wheels draw in Chi or Pranic energy from the air around you and send it as this light energy through the part of the body that corresponds to that Chakra.
- The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head. It houses your connection with spirituality, life purpose, and it rules the nervous system. Blockages here will cause you to feel confused and ungrounded. The color representing it is Violet.
- The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of the for head. I rules your intuition, wisdom, physic ability and connection to your spiritual side. Blockages in the his chakra would manifest in not listening to your intuition or inner voices’ guidance. The color that represents this chakra Indigo, a deep blue.
- The Throat Chakra is connected, truth seeking, personal integrity communication. Also with how you express yourself to the world through an art form such as singing ,poetry, music, whatever. Blocks here can lead to throat disorders, thyroid issues, inability to creativity dishonesty or problems articulating your needs. The color representing the Throat Chakra is Blue.
- The Heart Chakra sits within the heart and rules your feelings around love, compassion and peace surprisingly, it’s represented by the color green as well as pink. It also affects the lungs, arms and hands being closed up here can cause changes in the immune system, lungs and heart or lack of compassion.
- The Solar Plexus Chakra is a few inches above the navel and it directly impacts ones sense of confidence, sensitivity and ambition. Various here barriers here can manifest as the lack of direction or feeling that generally nothing works out in your favor. The Solar Plexus is where we feel when things are off, that gut feeling that you can’t ignore. It’s represented by the color Yellow.
- The Sacral Chakra is located in between your spines base and your navel and genitals and influences your emotions around pleasure, procreation, sexuality, and creativity. Emotional problems, of an obsessive nature, a sexual guilt can be also fertility issues and low libido can be the result of this chakra being blocked. The color Orange represents the Sacral Chakra.
- The Root Chakra sits at the bottom of your spine and represents your attachment to the physical world.It concerns your survival,energy and instinct. The lower body is associated,nose and organs of elimination, the legs feet and large intestines,lower back pain,infertility,digestive issues, ED.heavy /painful period could be signs of a blocked Root Chakra.The color Red represents it.