Welcome to my blog .The name Joy Dream Believe is one of my favorite mantras . Three ideals close to my heart that symbolize the outlook I’ve chosen to hold in my life . I am focusing on everything that comes under the umbrella of Wellness, mental and emotional, physical , spiritual and financial . At one time I didn’t know how joy worked but I’ve learned it can get you through the toughest times of your life along with prayer. I found that you must be , grateful , present , not worrying about the what if’s , surrender control and realize that no person or circumstance can stop what is meant for you to have.
Do you have a dream that seems just so unrealistic to have ? Or do you think it’s too late you should have done it when you were younger ? Who says you’re too old to live it ? I bet it’s you telling yourself that . If something is still in your heart , then go for it or you will regret not having at least tried . Follow your heart when it’s’ hard to decide.
Now what about faith ? I’ve read about Jesus performing a miracle on someone giving them the ability to walk or see or curing a disease , He told them it was their faith. This tells me how powerful faith and belief are. They cause your dreams to Manifest. The scientific explanation is you must vibrate on the same energy as what you want . I’ll be going further into this in my blog.
One the inspirational book’s I’ve read titled ” The Magic of Believing” by Claude Bristol gave me deep insight into this and I had to really examine my belief system and see where it came from and how it sabotaged me . I had to work on changing it because your belief , which is also called faith , is what makes miracles happen . The Law of Attraction can work for you or against you.
A few of my joys or passions in life are fashion , vintage glamour from all eras , travel , history, genealogy , metaphysic studies , interior decorating ,fitness and beauty, sewing ,pets. and last but not least people. I want to be the best version of myself . If you want that too I think you’ll enjoy my blog. It’s so important that content make you feel good inside ,look good on the outside or in some way benefits you.
Thank you for visiting Joy Dream Believe, this is Karen Tanoh, entrepreneur, activist, fashionista, photographer, poet. and now blogger. Follow me on Pinterest as Joy Dream Believe,Karenstyle,or Karen Tanoh, lnstagram as joydreambelieve and starsoultraveler

Enjoy, Joy, Dream, Believe