I am moved to ask of myself and you the reader, what makes you smile? Is it the little things we might take for granted ? So I ask myself the same question . During difficult times in my life I wanted to know what true happiness or joy felt like and why were these feelings eluding me. Was I just not paying enough attention to what was going right in my life? Was I just expecting an Idyllic life with no problems or was I just overburdened with doubt which lead to anxiety,
I read books upon books that touched me emotionally and spiritually. This led me on a path that continues to this day because living self fulfilled has always been my goal.I learned many things and genuinely wanted to apply things that I had learned .
See there always seemed to be something ready to steal my joy away and I had to learn how not to let it. As far back as my teens I’ve battled depression and anxiety , These conditions had interfered with experiencing the joy I wanted so badly to feel.
I know some people may not be able to relate to the concept of being depressed but either way let’s go back my question ,Think about it t asked while I state my answers.
1. Coming home after a long day or just coming home after I have tired myself out doing everyday stuff feeling , at peace and seeing beauty around me.
2. My perfect cup of morning coffee.
3. Having a pet or 2 or 3 in my life.
4. Seeing a friend that I haven’t seen in awhile and catching up.
5. Listening to music when I take my daily walk .
6. Getting to see my daughter and granddaughter who live out west.
7. Viewing a beautiful sunset.
8. Good food and cake, my gulity pleasure.
9. Reading inspirational and spiritual material.
10. Interacting withbabies and small children ,they are the realest.
I know most of you are running around trying to get ahead ,trying to stay ahead,working and taking care of your families but sometimes you have to just stop and breathe for a moment and ask yourself ; What makes my heart smile?then do just that. I would love to hear your answers.
11. I almost forgot bright colors especially pinks. I am convinced that hot pink or fushia makes me happy.