We “The People” Must Unite

I honestly never wanted this blog to be about politics. My mission is to inform upload and enlighten. I want to always spread light ,love, positive affirmation and reassurance that we / you can make it through whatever obstacles that cross your path. Life’s journey should be an adventure instead of a tragedy while learning important lessons along the way.

The fact that American is facing new leadership that is shifting our government to the far right and questionable things are taking place. I can’t pretend not to notice. I feel I have to acknowledge this in order to be true to myself and the people reading this.

We’ve all heard about the dissolution of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives (DEI) in the United States .I’m here to inform you that DEI is not just representative of black people . It also represents white women , veterans, Pacific islanders, Native Americans, Asian Americans, individuals with a disability, the LGTBQI population and at the bottom of the list you’ll find black people. What a surprise ! Many important departments in the federal government are being dismantled such as the Department of Education .The schools that don’t follow the non DEI directives will be defunded. Parents have to teach their children what the schools won’t,the truth . People are losing and will continue to lose their employment. Federal workers are getting canned just because and we’ll be feeling the domino effect soon . The chaos that this disruption this causing is undeniable and senseless, but here we are. The removal of personnel that work in aviation is just as reckless and irresponsible as it can get . Notice what is happening with these plane accidents lately . The saddest thing that I have heard in governments budget cuts is USAID which is literally taking the food from the mouths of starving babies and adults in the Sudan. Apparently the lives of African people are not valued. There is history that proves this . Closer to home cuts in Social Security and Medicaid and cuts social program which are proposed would have devastating affects on the most vulnerable citizens.These actions and worry me as American citizen.

I have to say that I was very disappointed in America because Donald Trump was allowed to run for President of the United States the highest office in the land. Other countries for making fun of us. He was found guilty of 34 felonies but because he was rich and powerful it didn’t matter to many people. Yet he calls the undocumented illegals and want to ship them to foreign jails, when he has more felonies than them. I feel for immigrants being deported. People just want to live and feed their families. They come to America illegally because they’re poor but even if a person comes here legally America chooses who they want to have as citizens. You can even enter legally on a visa and not be permitted to stay unless marry a citizen or have a special talent to offer. We can now expect food prices to rise higher as if they haven’t already risen enough after covid . This is a consequence of deporting the people who harvest our food and just think a lot of people voted for this. Some peoples ancestors came to this country poor with a suitcase and dreams for a better life.

There’s a part of me that feels as though the American government is going to fall at some point if the leadership is abused it’s power and acting lawlessly. Why is a foreign billionaire controlling our government from behind the scenes, disregarding the Constitution and making decisions like he’s an elected official. No one voted for Elon Musk . We definitely live in a broken system yet most people can only see the brokenness if it affects them. If you’re rich you don’t feel the struggle or the stress of worrying about your finances. You can’t relate to loss of basic needs. If you’re part of the shrinking middle class. You might be concerned about sending your kids to college or saving for retirement. Then there are the people who are living paycheck to paycheck just getting by.

We “The people”Must Unite whether we’re black, white , brown or whatever you are we can agree to disagree about some things but remain true to the bigger picture and stop looking at each other group as adversaries and work together there’s so much so many more of us than there are of them and by them I mean the “billionaires” and we don’t have to be deterred by our color differences ,nationality or religions we just need to have some core beliefs that unite us like everyone deserves the same opportunities to thrive and succeed no matter where in the world they may live. United We Stand ,Divided We Fall. I’m interested in knowing how other people feel.

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